Sunday, September 21, 2008

what a week..

so i haven't posted anything lately.. it's been like what.. a week? well this week has been pretty.. wild. lets just put it that way.. with school, basketball, friends, family, boys.. everything! gah damn! schools only stressful cause of everything else that's bothering me.. basketball.. i'm probably gonna quit soon. i'm so sick of it.. like honestly i dont want to play anymore. but whatever we'll see.. friends are just not the buisness right now.. dont you hate when best friends change? yeahh i do.. it's not that great to see them change right before your eyes.. but it happens right? all you gotta do is stand strong for yourself and what you believe in.. i hope this whole phase doesn't change who they are.. anyway.. lukey is leaving me tomorrow.. or today whatever. 10 am sunday morning :[ i'm sooo sad! :[ my best friend is leaving me.. he keeps me sane.. i love you kuya luke.. please stay safe over there in riverside.. i know it's not too far but i wont see you everyday :[ those late drives.. night talks.. everything! they were all so fun :[ i'm gonna miss you soo much! you dont even know :{ i hope everything goes well for you.. come home every so often yeah? :] anyway.. boys aren't the buisness right now either.. it's all such a pain! but whatever i'll get over it all.. i hope you all have a swell weekend. and enjoy it cause the week is comin' up. LAME!

good night..

- rj

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