Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2nd to last day of summer..

My brother woke me up earlier than i usually wake up today.. i was like what is going on.. then he made me go to el camino with him.. along with lukey and nini. lol we went around his school looking at flyers for upcoming shows and what not.. cause he's in the news torch or something like that. haha but yeah it was really hot :[ i saw brian over there :] that was pretty random.. after that we went to del taco! yumm! i was really craving in-n-out cause believe it or not.. i didn't have in-n-out all summer :[ i'm sadd.. but whatever.. so we ate.. then we went home and nini forgot something at her house so the 2 of us went to her house.. we took kuya lukeys car.. and on the way back.. she let me drive! no no no she MADE me drive.. it was like 2-3 blocks down.. i was scared! but i made it home in 6 mins! hahah i stopped at the intersection but good thing there weren't any cars! lol yeahh.. so after that me lukey and nini went to best buy to visit my brother at workk.. sikke! well kinda.. but we went to get a stereo installed in lukeys car.. it took like an hour and a half.. so we hung out at best buy for a bit.. played with the macs.. and video games.. then we chilled outside for the most part.. good cousin bonding time :] hahah dance off! that was funny.. maybe you'll see a video of it soon.. so after best buy we went home cause chanel was waiting outside of my house.. aww :] hahaha then chanel and nini made signs for me.. then nini left so me and chanel sang all day.. and recorded :o haha it was funny.. but we got it down :] yeeea.. she's my best friend :] haha so yeahh we did that.. then she left me at like 9.. so i went to my room and i got a computer! yay! ;] and a new desk, a webcam and a mic.. haha well they're all old but i put it all into good use :] yess.. haha so i video chatted with ranil today.. and kevin! :] but kevin left me and NEVER came back.. thanks kevin :[ hahah oh! i talked to taylor m. today :] for the first time in 2 days! hahah i never text him anymore :[ but he texted me today! lol i also texted ranil today for most of the day.. isn't it crazy that both our brothers work at best buy and how he lives in cerriots and how i met him at ninis debut practice thing.. coincidence or whaa.. haha anyway.. i was thinkin about quiting basketball.. i dont know if i can handle it all anymore. i'll miss it.. i knoww but i dont know maybe i'm jst being lazy in summer mode.. maybe not.. we'll see.. well good night world. (who ever reads this)


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