Sunday, September 7, 2008


i woke up like 3 times this morning.. then i ended up getting up at like 12? then i ate and got ready and lukey and i went to kuya leslie's house to go kick it and watch some FOOOOTBALLL!! woo! go BENGALS! hahaha jk jk nah they're tight though.. T.O. and L.T! haha too bad they didn't show the charger game.. lame! but uhh we barely got to watch football cause his tv was being WACK with all the regular channels so we ended up watching harry potter and uhmm.. mythbusters! and a bit of criss angel. hahah freakin brandon was teasing me about the game :[ thanks! hahah it's chill tho. so we hung out for a bit then went to the mall. i hung out with ranil while my cousins went to bj's and stuff. haha it was pretty chill.. just walkedd around.. suprisingly i saw BRANDON! the tease.. JK JK! :] hahah but yeah and ryan lazy! :] and other people but yeahh those 2.. haha :] anyway.. yeahh i went home and got my clothes ready for tomorrow.. western day! YEEEEAHH SONN!! hahah jailhouse juniors dance anybody?
good night!


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