Thursday, September 4, 2008

1st day of junior year

So today was the first day of school. what a bummer :[ i miss summer already :[ i couldn't sleep last night cause i usually sleep around 3 or 4.. but i was in bed by atleast 11-11:30. but i didn't fall asleep till 2? haha i seriously need some nyquil or something.. haha but anyway.. yeah! today was the first day of school. chanel met me at my house and so did nini and she took us to school.. so we all got our schedules.. lol first period. algebra 2. ms. bogatskaya. hahah man brings back memories.. i had her freshman year.. lol that's where i met my bestfwenn! ;] haha anyway.. 2nd period. english 3. mr. bostwick. 45 kids in that class.. chanel and i walked in late so we didn't have a seat next to eachother.. so i sat in front and she sat behind me and when i turned around.. freakin ella was in there too! haha yeee sonn!! there goes an F for english 3. jk jk we'll pay attention... siiike. oh and i'm making him call me rj. i bet i wont respond cause i'm not used to it. 3rd period. korean 3. ms daily. i've gotten used to her already.. she's whatever now. i dont really pay attention in that class at all.. cause she doesn't really teach.. and when she does no one listens.. haha but it's a chill class.. 4th period. us history a/b. ms. spradlin. she's pretty chill.. i walked in late again.. like in everyother class.. but yeah freakin zeina.. haha then 5th period. chemistry. mr. poor. he's chill.. so yeah. thats' basically the jist of today.. oh and 6th. period baskketball.. LAME! i might quit soon.. lol tomorrow we have conditioning. how gay. but whatever.. hopefully varsity is running it.. lol but umm yeahh.. other than that today was pretty good. knew a bunch of people in every class.. so i'm set. hahah i hate school. period. but i gotta go! i wish i could do something easier in college.. like a school of music! haha but thats never gonna happen for me :[ anyway.. i'm gonna head off to sleep i have no idea why im' so tired.. haha good night :]


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