Saturday, September 6, 2008

2nd day of junior year..

so the 2nd day was okk. it wasn't AS boring as yesterday.. well actually maybe it was.. idkk.. first period went by pretty fast.. idkk i like math.. haha :p uhmm.. but omg 2nd period.. it's LONGER than all our other ones.. me ella and chanel sit in like a line so we can't really talk to eachother.. but i was texting ella.. hahah i'll kill you! :] hahah but yeah mr. bostwick talked FOREVER. like nonstop seriously.. haha then 3rd period our teacher was lazy so all we did was count to 26 all period. hahah thenn uhh 4th period was slow.. but it wasn't that bad.. 5th period was SLOWW.. but it was fun kinda cause we were supposed to be doing vocab but we just talked :] haha then 6th period was whatever. i'm so done with basketball it's not even funny.. whatever tho. haha thenn i went home and sophia was there! aww my best friend forever!! :] i love that little girl.. haha no matter how much of a brat she can be.. haha so me and nini went to the lomita fair.. and kicked it with nick.. and went on the ferris wheel.. OMG scary :[ hahah he tried making us go on the other rides but i was too chicken.. idkk why even tho i like rollercoasters. but yeahh. then i told taylor to come! and he wasted 10 bucks on some basketball thing.. hahah he was TOTALLY off! :] hahah i love you taylor! haha but yeahh.. we kicked it at the fair for a couple hours then went to mcdonalds.. and the dude there was funny :] then i went home and stayed with lukey in his room while he watched 10,000 B.C. and i'm really tired you dont even know. haha good night. go to the fair tomorrow ;] i'll be there!


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