Sunday, September 7, 2008

lomita fair.

So today was a very touching/bad/frustrating/happy/fun/weird day. so i was at church today.. and my brother and i were sitting outside and i was playing guitar while having a very deep conversation about our relationship with God. My brother was pretty like.. idkk how to explain it but.. he wasn't happy he was more like confused or something.. or unhappy.. i dont know but iw as playing.. then out of no where some lady on her bike rolls in and asks me what songs i play and i got shy and didn't say anything.. and so i played "open the eyes of my heart" for her and sang.. she hummed along and what not.. then she showed me how to play "just a closer walk with thee" and i was like wow.. cause she had the voice of an angel.. and as she was leaving she told me she was recently diagnosed with cancer.. and she was happier than ever that she's close to God and how she can ttalk to him.. and when she was getting on her bike.. i looked down for 2 seconds and looked back up.. and she was no where to be seen.. i was looking for her everywhere.. and i started tearing up.. and i knew she was an angel.. i'm sorry if it sounds dumb to some people but it was like the highlight of my day. it was amazing.. i wish something like that can happen again.. it was a great experience. well after i was supposed to go to practice but my dad decided to make other plans to go check out some camp site. so yeahh.. i was pretty pissed at him.. ontop of that it was HELLA traffic on the way home.. so by the time we got to nini's it was finished. so i just showed up to listen to auntie talk about what she had to talk about.. and i only saw him for like 2 mins :[ how saddd :[ oh well hopefully tomorrow right? :] anyway.. after that we went to the fair again! ahh! hahah kicked it with nick the whole time :] and nana at some parts.. we went on zipper 3 times.. and that spinny thing twice.. and the loop thing once.. and i felt like barfing!! hahaha oh and nick bought me a funnel cake.. yumm :] haha thank nick.. it wasn't so great when i felt like throwing it all up.. i still feel dizzy even till now.. i needa lay down :[ good night.


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