Sunday, September 21, 2008

what a week..

so i haven't posted anything lately.. it's been like what.. a week? well this week has been pretty.. wild. lets just put it that way.. with school, basketball, friends, family, boys.. everything! gah damn! schools only stressful cause of everything else that's bothering me.. basketball.. i'm probably gonna quit soon. i'm so sick of it.. like honestly i dont want to play anymore. but whatever we'll see.. friends are just not the buisness right now.. dont you hate when best friends change? yeahh i do.. it's not that great to see them change right before your eyes.. but it happens right? all you gotta do is stand strong for yourself and what you believe in.. i hope this whole phase doesn't change who they are.. anyway.. lukey is leaving me tomorrow.. or today whatever. 10 am sunday morning :[ i'm sooo sad! :[ my best friend is leaving me.. he keeps me sane.. i love you kuya luke.. please stay safe over there in riverside.. i know it's not too far but i wont see you everyday :[ those late drives.. night talks.. everything! they were all so fun :[ i'm gonna miss you soo much! you dont even know :{ i hope everything goes well for you.. come home every so often yeah? :] anyway.. boys aren't the buisness right now either.. it's all such a pain! but whatever i'll get over it all.. i hope you all have a swell weekend. and enjoy it cause the week is comin' up. LAME!

good night..

- rj

Sunday, September 14, 2008


so this past week i've done about 4 covers? hahah i'm really happy because the feedback i get is soo motivational.. haha thank you! :] lol it made my day.. like no joke! haha but this weekend.. was chill.. church on saturday.. then got my sidekick 08 haha WOO! thenn went to my house for my grandmas party.. that was fun chillin with the fambam again. lol sunday.. today. i woke up at 11.. recorded again.. and went out with my mom and stuff.. got some clothes and felt sick.. but i just had allergies.. i'm soo not stoked for school. i wish i could go to a school where i go to do what i love.. but thats college.. haha mann.. i hate basketball.. i wish i could quit. but my parents wont let me :[ watch! i'll quit one of these days! hahah. anyway.. sorry this post is so short. i'm tired. goood night


p.s. check it out

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

prep/jock day

So today was obviously prep/jock day.. i was totally gonna dress preppy but i woke up too late.. and so i had to get ready, take a shower and all that good stuff.. so i just threw on some basketball shorts and my practice jersey and i was set.. i was pretty comfortable the whole day so i'm pretty glad i wore that.. haha so uhmm.. school was school.. nothing interesting.. korean was a pain today tho.. and so was english.. oh gosh. english. its like 2 hours long and he wont SHUT UP! ;p but it's okk he's chill.. he just talks too much.. so feel free to text me :] haha so after school lukey came to pick me up.. we went to 7/11 and got some grub over there.. then we went home.. and i sat in my room for 2 hours straight and recorded nonstop. "love bug" by the jonas brothers.. you should go check out my channel. i have a few videos up.

so after.. i recorded "lucky" by jason mraz by myself using garage band. it was pretty funn to do.. after my mom and i went to khols.. then circut city then best buy to visit my brother.. i saw jt. finally! i miss him!! :[ we needa hang out.. or come over again! haha then i went to office max to get one more notebook.. 27 cents :] haha then target to meet up with nini.. then mcdonalds.. haha then we went backk to my housee and tried some clothes on for tomorrow. smarty pants dayy! :] haha i'm kinda excited to wear my sweater vest.. haha :p and suspenders! hahah anyway.. uhm..i talked to brandon today... he wants me.. soo badd :] hahaha i'm just messin.. but yeah he's coool :] he's writing a song :] how siiickk is that?! haha it's gonna be great i already know it.. haha but yeahhh.. we might hang out friday!! but it depends.. again.. howdy dance anyone? :]

well i had tons of homework to do tonight.. algebra 2, korean 3, chem. blah blah blah but i got it done so i'm pretty pooped from it.. so. smarty pants day tomorrow. whos down to dress.. lets go all out :] alright i'm draineddd!!
good night.



Sunday, September 7, 2008


i woke up like 3 times this morning.. then i ended up getting up at like 12? then i ate and got ready and lukey and i went to kuya leslie's house to go kick it and watch some FOOOOTBALLL!! woo! go BENGALS! hahaha jk jk nah they're tight though.. T.O. and L.T! haha too bad they didn't show the charger game.. lame! but uhh we barely got to watch football cause his tv was being WACK with all the regular channels so we ended up watching harry potter and uhmm.. mythbusters! and a bit of criss angel. hahah freakin brandon was teasing me about the game :[ thanks! hahah it's chill tho. so we hung out for a bit then went to the mall. i hung out with ranil while my cousins went to bj's and stuff. haha it was pretty chill.. just walkedd around.. suprisingly i saw BRANDON! the tease.. JK JK! :] hahah but yeah and ryan lazy! :] and other people but yeahh those 2.. haha :] anyway.. yeahh i went home and got my clothes ready for tomorrow.. western day! YEEEEAHH SONN!! hahah jailhouse juniors dance anybody?
good night!


lomita fair.

So today was a very touching/bad/frustrating/happy/fun/weird day. so i was at church today.. and my brother and i were sitting outside and i was playing guitar while having a very deep conversation about our relationship with God. My brother was pretty like.. idkk how to explain it but.. he wasn't happy he was more like confused or something.. or unhappy.. i dont know but iw as playing.. then out of no where some lady on her bike rolls in and asks me what songs i play and i got shy and didn't say anything.. and so i played "open the eyes of my heart" for her and sang.. she hummed along and what not.. then she showed me how to play "just a closer walk with thee" and i was like wow.. cause she had the voice of an angel.. and as she was leaving she told me she was recently diagnosed with cancer.. and she was happier than ever that she's close to God and how she can ttalk to him.. and when she was getting on her bike.. i looked down for 2 seconds and looked back up.. and she was no where to be seen.. i was looking for her everywhere.. and i started tearing up.. and i knew she was an angel.. i'm sorry if it sounds dumb to some people but it was like the highlight of my day. it was amazing.. i wish something like that can happen again.. it was a great experience. well after i was supposed to go to practice but my dad decided to make other plans to go check out some camp site. so yeahh.. i was pretty pissed at him.. ontop of that it was HELLA traffic on the way home.. so by the time we got to nini's it was finished. so i just showed up to listen to auntie talk about what she had to talk about.. and i only saw him for like 2 mins :[ how saddd :[ oh well hopefully tomorrow right? :] anyway.. after that we went to the fair again! ahh! hahah kicked it with nick the whole time :] and nana at some parts.. we went on zipper 3 times.. and that spinny thing twice.. and the loop thing once.. and i felt like barfing!! hahaha oh and nick bought me a funnel cake.. yumm :] haha thank nick.. it wasn't so great when i felt like throwing it all up.. i still feel dizzy even till now.. i needa lay down :[ good night.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

2nd day of junior year..

so the 2nd day was okk. it wasn't AS boring as yesterday.. well actually maybe it was.. idkk.. first period went by pretty fast.. idkk i like math.. haha :p uhmm.. but omg 2nd period.. it's LONGER than all our other ones.. me ella and chanel sit in like a line so we can't really talk to eachother.. but i was texting ella.. hahah i'll kill you! :] hahah but yeah mr. bostwick talked FOREVER. like nonstop seriously.. haha then 3rd period our teacher was lazy so all we did was count to 26 all period. hahah thenn uhh 4th period was slow.. but it wasn't that bad.. 5th period was SLOWW.. but it was fun kinda cause we were supposed to be doing vocab but we just talked :] haha then 6th period was whatever. i'm so done with basketball it's not even funny.. whatever tho. haha thenn i went home and sophia was there! aww my best friend forever!! :] i love that little girl.. haha no matter how much of a brat she can be.. haha so me and nini went to the lomita fair.. and kicked it with nick.. and went on the ferris wheel.. OMG scary :[ hahah he tried making us go on the other rides but i was too chicken.. idkk why even tho i like rollercoasters. but yeahh. then i told taylor to come! and he wasted 10 bucks on some basketball thing.. hahah he was TOTALLY off! :] hahah i love you taylor! haha but yeahh.. we kicked it at the fair for a couple hours then went to mcdonalds.. and the dude there was funny :] then i went home and stayed with lukey in his room while he watched 10,000 B.C. and i'm really tired you dont even know. haha good night. go to the fair tomorrow ;] i'll be there!


Thursday, September 4, 2008

1st day of junior year

So today was the first day of school. what a bummer :[ i miss summer already :[ i couldn't sleep last night cause i usually sleep around 3 or 4.. but i was in bed by atleast 11-11:30. but i didn't fall asleep till 2? haha i seriously need some nyquil or something.. haha but anyway.. yeah! today was the first day of school. chanel met me at my house and so did nini and she took us to school.. so we all got our schedules.. lol first period. algebra 2. ms. bogatskaya. hahah man brings back memories.. i had her freshman year.. lol that's where i met my bestfwenn! ;] haha anyway.. 2nd period. english 3. mr. bostwick. 45 kids in that class.. chanel and i walked in late so we didn't have a seat next to eachother.. so i sat in front and she sat behind me and when i turned around.. freakin ella was in there too! haha yeee sonn!! there goes an F for english 3. jk jk we'll pay attention... siiike. oh and i'm making him call me rj. i bet i wont respond cause i'm not used to it. 3rd period. korean 3. ms daily. i've gotten used to her already.. she's whatever now. i dont really pay attention in that class at all.. cause she doesn't really teach.. and when she does no one listens.. haha but it's a chill class.. 4th period. us history a/b. ms. spradlin. she's pretty chill.. i walked in late again.. like in everyother class.. but yeah freakin zeina.. haha then 5th period. chemistry. mr. poor. he's chill.. so yeah. thats' basically the jist of today.. oh and 6th. period baskketball.. LAME! i might quit soon.. lol tomorrow we have conditioning. how gay. but whatever.. hopefully varsity is running it.. lol but umm yeahh.. other than that today was pretty good. knew a bunch of people in every class.. so i'm set. hahah i hate school. period. but i gotta go! i wish i could do something easier in college.. like a school of music! haha but thats never gonna happen for me :[ anyway.. i'm gonna head off to sleep i have no idea why im' so tired.. haha good night :]


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2nd to last day of summer..

My brother woke me up earlier than i usually wake up today.. i was like what is going on.. then he made me go to el camino with him.. along with lukey and nini. lol we went around his school looking at flyers for upcoming shows and what not.. cause he's in the news torch or something like that. haha but yeah it was really hot :[ i saw brian over there :] that was pretty random.. after that we went to del taco! yumm! i was really craving in-n-out cause believe it or not.. i didn't have in-n-out all summer :[ i'm sadd.. but whatever.. so we ate.. then we went home and nini forgot something at her house so the 2 of us went to her house.. we took kuya lukeys car.. and on the way back.. she let me drive! no no no she MADE me drive.. it was like 2-3 blocks down.. i was scared! but i made it home in 6 mins! hahah i stopped at the intersection but good thing there weren't any cars! lol yeahh.. so after that me lukey and nini went to best buy to visit my brother at workk.. sikke! well kinda.. but we went to get a stereo installed in lukeys car.. it took like an hour and a half.. so we hung out at best buy for a bit.. played with the macs.. and video games.. then we chilled outside for the most part.. good cousin bonding time :] hahah dance off! that was funny.. maybe you'll see a video of it soon.. so after best buy we went home cause chanel was waiting outside of my house.. aww :] hahaha then chanel and nini made signs for me.. then nini left so me and chanel sang all day.. and recorded :o haha it was funny.. but we got it down :] yeeea.. she's my best friend :] haha so yeahh we did that.. then she left me at like 9.. so i went to my room and i got a computer! yay! ;] and a new desk, a webcam and a mic.. haha well they're all old but i put it all into good use :] yess.. haha so i video chatted with ranil today.. and kevin! :] but kevin left me and NEVER came back.. thanks kevin :[ hahah oh! i talked to taylor m. today :] for the first time in 2 days! hahah i never text him anymore :[ but he texted me today! lol i also texted ranil today for most of the day.. isn't it crazy that both our brothers work at best buy and how he lives in cerriots and how i met him at ninis debut practice thing.. coincidence or whaa.. haha anyway.. i was thinkin about quiting basketball.. i dont know if i can handle it all anymore. i'll miss it.. i knoww but i dont know maybe i'm jst being lazy in summer mode.. maybe not.. we'll see.. well good night world. (who ever reads this)


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day


So i woke up at like 8 am with a KiLLER stomach ache. it hurt :[ i couldn't sleep.. and i got really cold.. so i somehow fell asleep for a little and woke up at 12.. then i helped clean in my brothers room. then my mom saved me from it! she wanted to color my hair.. so i did.. then i waited in hour so the color stays in.. and we had a really good lunch :] yummy!! then i waited for everyone to get ready.. then hit the galleria mall.. which i dont really like.. cause that place is dead anyway! haha but it was chill.. we did our eyebrows.. they got cinnabon and i went to get some yogurt :] yumm! haha then we left to go to best buy and my aunt bought a 32' tv while nini and i were messing around with the mac's.. it was funny.. photobooth.. imovie.. and the stickies that talk!! haha wickked sweet.. lol kuya luke has one but i always use it.. in fact i'm using it now.. haha but yeaa.. anyway.. we went home.. andd uhh i video chatted with chanel alittle.. hahah funny girl.. fooo! we better hang out tomorrow.. and i'm gonna get glasses.. just watch :} haha then i talked on the phone with sweet cheeks! :] haha thenn uhh hung out with kuya luke my brother and chris.. crazy boys.. then video chatted with sweet cheeks for a quick min. cause he had to sleep but wanted to say hi and see me :] aww he's cute :] haha thenn uhh now i'm just talkin to lizzie on aim. and i'm hungry.. haha and sleepy i think i'm gonna get somethin to eat then knock outt! yess i'm fat! lol ohh and i texted all day :] when do i not.. haha but yeah :D good night 

keep it posted.