Monday, November 10, 2008

holy jeez..

i havent written in here for about a month! it's about time :) i've been pretty busy with school and basketball.. sooo not the business anymore.. lol i've been so tired lately.. i needa get better grades i'm slippin bad.. NOT GOOD! i hope i'm not inel.. thatd be pretty bad.. but i dont think it's that bad.. i'm just so glad season is coming so we can get it over with and i'm done! lol i'm finally quitting.. it's just no more funn.. haha anyway..

thats pretty much all thats been going on.. other than ninis debut practices on the weekends.. and hanging out with some friends.. haha her debut is in less than 20 days! i'm scared and nervous! :( well i'm sure everything will turn out great tho :) shes gonna be soo pretty! hahah well yeahh pretty much just school basketball debut practice and hanging out.. NO FUN! :( well it is but help me out... haha

so today was a pretty eventful day :) it should be the best day of my life but its not.. i killed it.. so here it goes.. woke up at 830 to get ready to meet up at ninis to go to buena park to practice for her debut.. did that for about 2-3 hours.. it was chill then we went to the mcdonalds next to knotts.. they had little trains in there but they werent working :( haha gayy! i wanna go to knotts.. i havent been there since 1st grade.. lol but 6 flags is wayy better hands down! lol anyway.. after that we went home and i got ready to go kick it with my best friend chanel shazad :) we went to the mall.. and met up with jessica, zeina, erica, kyerin :) andd dylan and marcus.. haha friggin marcus and dylan got kicked outta the mall and we got split up.. haha dylan marcus jessica and chanel.. and me zeina erica and kyerin.. lol it was alright.. then zeina had to leave :( so we met up with chanel and them.. and it was soo funny cause marcus chased down a taxi to give them a ride home.. hahaha i didn't believe he did it.. but i watched him do it.. hahah then we went to pat n oscars.. (we were at the mall from 3-8) yeah so chanel bought a dozen breadsticks.. lol and we ate it.. then chanel and i got bored so we played the sugar game.. it has to half hang off on your opponents side.. and they have to eat the sugar packet.. lol i lost twice :( first time i had the substitute sugar one and then the 2nd i had the real sugar.. DISGUSTING!! yuckk!! i had to drink some dr. pepper to wash that ishhh downn..and i dont drink soda :( thenn jessica left.. and so did kyerin :( so i told taylor to come get uss.. and we didnt know what to do.. so we went to his complex.. and he let me, chanel and erica drive around.. i'm a pretty good driver :) hahahahha siike.. lol it was funn :) thanks taylorr :) hahah thenn we went into southbay port.. and tried taping over there.. but chanel and erica kept freaking out.. so we just sat in taylors car and literally just sat there and kicked it.. for like 30 mins.. then he took us home.. and then my dream came true :) hahahah no forreall.. lol it was funn :) we were outside just messing around.. lol thenn i couldn't believe how happy i was.. lol it was scary.. so i decided to make myself sad.. lol(who the fuck does that) anyway.. i started reading old conversations and i was listening to my ipod.. sooo not a good idea.. and now i'm sad :( i forgot about the whole "dream coming true" thing.. its nothing compared to this.. lol soo emo.. lol GAYY!! but yeah..

gahhd i feel like a whore.. or slut whichever.. i talk to too many guys at the same time.. i KNOW thats wrong and yet i STILL do it.. what the hell is wrong with me.. i really dont know who i am anymore.. ive changed into a completely diffrent person.. its not even cool.. i'm gonna say how i feel.. and whoever reads this.. well.. i'm sorry if i put you all on blas

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