Monday, October 13, 2008

i've been busy..

but i'm here now! haha so this past weekend.. i went camping! :) haha that was a trip :) lol it was CRAZY COLD but worth it!!! haha what.. 40 degrees?! i was standing like a foot away from the bonfire.. and if i took one step back i'd be freeezing! i was even wearing 6 layers! hahah well.. wife beater, v neck, yellow sweatshirt, off white jacket, brown vest and basketball jacket.. haha not good enough.. i even slept with a blanket wrapped around me in my sleeping back with another sleeping bag on top.. haha STILL not good enough.. but it was funn.. i enjoyed the pointless game of follow the leader.. hahah that was funny.. and pick puck boom or whatever.. haha and hip hip hoooray.. or ling ling ding or some shit.. idkk but it was funnny.. lol goood times to remember ;) i wont forget it.. lol anyway.. the top 32 rally for homecoming.. was uhmm.. idkk it was good.. i mean you gotta give the dancers credit but still.. EEEEEKK.. haha it's okay.. it was good cause john choreographed it :) hahah JOHN! :) your something... haha :) you better.. you know... lol then after you know... haha :) just do it! :) anyway... yeahh.. so much things are running through my head right now.. it's ridiculous.. but i'm pulling through it.. so hopefully everything will be okay soon.. cause this shit is really killing me.. well i'm off to sleeep i'm tiiired. but listen to this song by aj rafael... it's like my story basically.. lol no forreal.. listen to it..
and support him :)
and me yeah? :) haha

anyway yeah.. go check it..

here are the lyrics

the times that we had they were memorable
and yeah the chance of us together was improbable
but i took a chance for you and everything that i've done
was for you to be happy i wanted to be your only one

i remember we talked every night
loving every millisecond yeah i knew this was right
we talked about being perfect in this cold dark world
but now your truth is finally told

oh i asked if you were sure well i guess you didnt want it anymore
i kinda had a feeling that in the end
you'd choose to just be my friend
i hope that you still care and that you still think about me
you know i think of you every night in my dreams
i really didnt mean to make things end up like this
and now im sitting here still in the cold lonely mist

can you just say that you care
i'll remember all that we shared
im stuck in 100 problems
didnt have to end up this way

yeahh anyway.. lol good night to world. or whoever reads this..


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