Sunday, November 23, 2008

ninis debut!

so ninis debut was like the best... EVER! like forreal.. so first we went to school to take pictures for basketball.. haha friggin nana is my herooo!! :D hahah she loves when i write about her.. lol anyway.. yeah after that my mom and i went to the mall.. i forgot why.. OH! cause she wanted to buy shoes for ninis debut.. but i told her not to cause they were hella expensive! so we just ate some gengis khan or however thats spelt.. and we went home and ate sue and ate jellybean were there too.. then i had to get all my shit ready.. then i went with them to anahiem.. and ate jellybean did my hair :D hahah it was funny cause she fixed it like a million times.. and ended up not doing anything to it.. but it looked pretty :) thanks.. then we went to brea mall to get our makeup done by kuya lee's sister :) (sophias moms husbands sister.. hahah) then after that we had to jet to the hotel cause i was late.. so i got there.. and everyone was like "there she is!!" and then someone was calling my name.. and it was joseph! he actually went! all the way from vegas :) haha so we took pictures yadda yadda yadda.. and everyone was coming in.. bunch of family, few friends and a hella lot of ninis church came.. but it was chill.. lol the entrance for the program was scary.. haha i was FIRST! well outta the court.. but the dj's entrance was the best.. he's soo funny best dj so far.. no joke he wasnt wackk at all.. lol so me and brian went in first.. lol got the goosebumps! then my brother and jam.. then nick and eunice i think.. then mateen and kim.. then paulina and peter.. then eileen and marvin then kuya mark and melanie then my gorgeous cousin monica :) she looked so pretty that night! just that night :) hahah jk love you nini.. but forreal like WOW.. haha then we all sat down.. ate.. then they showed the slideshow.. SOO embarassing.. so many pictures of me in there too with my bowlcut :( hahahaha then after that kuya mike performed with his group.. dwayne steven darwin and kuya mark.. it was cute :) haha then after that we did our court dance.. then the dj had to stall and his games were sooo funny.. hahah he gave out gift cards to people that got the questions right about nini.. and i wrote them and i helped everyone :) hahah jk! i told kuya mike the wrong answer!! hahahahh.. sorry.. lol but i got one :) but i gave it to kuya mike cause i felt bad.. haha then after that it was the 18 roses i think and the guys danced with nini.. then kuya jonathan and kuya jun sang somewhere over the rainbow.. and i'm yours.. SOO effing goood! like forreal.. when i sang lucky with my brother it made us look bad.. hahah but yeah i dont remember exactly what we did at the debut but it was HELLA fun.. line dancing.. games.. all that good stuff.. like forreal it was the best.. the after party, dance thing was funn too! :) hahah that awkward big circle no one would dance in except peter, joseph and other people.. haha me and ella tried pushing chanel in.. haha soo funny.. then 3 of us ran in and chanel and i got down on ella :) hahaha well i got down with alot of people actually.. then i sat next to joseph cause i was tired then i went outside the room cause it was HOT.. and he followed me.. and we walked around the hotel.. and yeahh :D you know.. mmm... hahahahah yeahh then we got back to the door and right when we got there they were dancing to "so sexy" and pointing at us.. and it was awkward but we just joined them hahah i love that song! and dance.. its so funn.. then we all hung out for a little after the dancing.. then we went up to our room.. like the whole court and hashir and joseph went into our room.. and we just hung out in there.. lol laying on the pull out couch with joseph :) hahah OH and ella and chanel... haha but yeah.. took pictures :D hahah it was so funny.. then kim turned off the lights and... stuff happend :) hahah jk.. not really.. but yeahh then chanel had to go home so i walked her out.. then i went back up but no one was there so iw ent to the guys' room/aunts room and they were there.. then i heard some news about something from erica so i called her.. and ryan, nick and joseph were leaving so they went into the elevator except joseph cause i guess he was waiting for me.. so i got off the phone.. and we went to go look for them but couldnt find them so we walked around the hotel again and yyouu knoww :) hahah then i walked him to the parking lot and ryan and nick came thru the gate and totally walked past us and ignored my question :( and they were like dont worry you guys still have time :) hahah so joseph and i walked around again.. and went into the ice room hahah.. then ryan and nick came down again so i told him he should go.. haha then they left :( bye bye joseph :( haha then we went back to the room.. and hashir and paulina bought some mcdonalds :) thanks guys it was so yummy.. and we all talked.. nini, kim and april knocked out around 3.. and eunice, paulina and jam were talkin in the bathroom.. and me and ella were bored so i HAD to write on ninis face to be unbored.. so me and ella did that to them the rest of the night and the girls in the bathroom joined us it was hilarious.. hahaha then jam started dozing off.. and we whispered "edward" in her ear and it was funny what her reaction was.. and we did that to eunice too with spongebob :) hahahah then we ended up falling asleep at 5.. and woke up at 10.. and went to mcdonalds.. and ella came over and so did nini and we invited dean over then we went to wilson to play tennis and i hit the ball at him so close to his ear he tried hitting it and cut it! haha i'm sorry :( then we went to target.. then the mall the toys r us..

it was a pretty wild weekend.. i left out ALOT of the crazy wild parts.. haha like ALOT of it.. like most of it.. lol but yeahh.. that was it.. lol :D

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