Sunday, November 30, 2008


thanksgiving break went by too fast :(

wednesday went to the doctor to get my back checked.. then she sent me to the place to get xrayed and that took like a million years! then i went to school to "work" at the snack bar for jv vs frosh/soph haha yeah jv killed them by alot.. then we played against alumni.. haha thank goodness i didnt have to take stats.. haha but yeahh it was a funny game.. rick was anal about it this time.. haha like last year! frickk! but its cool.. haha it was a pretty close game... NOT.. haha :) so john was there :) hahaha that guy... lol anyway.. yeah saw some people that graduated last year.. pretty chill.. then i THINK i went home after that i dont even remember.. thursday morning went to kuya mikes house in diamond bar for a brunch thing for our church.. haha then went with him to stevens house :) we played these card games with his sisters and room mate and him of course.. it was soo funny :) hahah then we went to my place.. and we had a party for the family for thanksgiving and kuya lukes birthday :) kuya mike and i put on a live performance :) haha and he friggin hit my head with the microphone on purpose.. and i just stopped playing cause i was like wtf.. and i didnt know what to do and we just started laughing.. haha then yeah the rest of the night was funnny.. kareoke.. and line dancing with the oldies :) hahahh then friday i forgot what happend.. OH! okay thursday night we fell asleep at ate sues house in anahiem figuring out where we were gonna camp out for black friday.. then we woke up all late.. so we went to brea mall and took us FOREVER to find parking.. and it was jam packed in there so we just booked it and went to active and the hat.. hah SOO good.. then me, ate sue, kuya mike, sophia and nini like KNOCKED out on the same couch.. haha it got HELLA hot but yeahh.. lol then we went home.. and kuya luke, nini and i went to del amo.. we were supposed to watch role models but we didnt.. so we walked around the mall then went to build a bear :) i want someone to build me a bear :( anyway.. we went tto kuya leslies to watch wall e but never FINISHED IT! haha cause nini had to leave.. then saturday was church.. then after chanel came over and we hit the mall again.. for like 2340389 hours.. but itw as funn chillin with my bessfwwen :) hahah her dad is the best! i love him! hahahaha soo funny.. lol he thinks i'm cute :) hahahahha jk.. then today.. uhmm.. went to ericas walked to taylors.. finished wall-e and played guitar hero 3. then went to the mall.. met up with zeina went to her house and chilled.. hahah weekend was pretty chill.. and funn.. well my back hurts i should be heading to bed soon.

goood night :) <33

- rj

Sunday, November 23, 2008

ninis debut!

so ninis debut was like the best... EVER! like forreal.. so first we went to school to take pictures for basketball.. haha friggin nana is my herooo!! :D hahah she loves when i write about her.. lol anyway.. yeah after that my mom and i went to the mall.. i forgot why.. OH! cause she wanted to buy shoes for ninis debut.. but i told her not to cause they were hella expensive! so we just ate some gengis khan or however thats spelt.. and we went home and ate sue and ate jellybean were there too.. then i had to get all my shit ready.. then i went with them to anahiem.. and ate jellybean did my hair :D hahah it was funny cause she fixed it like a million times.. and ended up not doing anything to it.. but it looked pretty :) thanks.. then we went to brea mall to get our makeup done by kuya lee's sister :) (sophias moms husbands sister.. hahah) then after that we had to jet to the hotel cause i was late.. so i got there.. and everyone was like "there she is!!" and then someone was calling my name.. and it was joseph! he actually went! all the way from vegas :) haha so we took pictures yadda yadda yadda.. and everyone was coming in.. bunch of family, few friends and a hella lot of ninis church came.. but it was chill.. lol the entrance for the program was scary.. haha i was FIRST! well outta the court.. but the dj's entrance was the best.. he's soo funny best dj so far.. no joke he wasnt wackk at all.. lol so me and brian went in first.. lol got the goosebumps! then my brother and jam.. then nick and eunice i think.. then mateen and kim.. then paulina and peter.. then eileen and marvin then kuya mark and melanie then my gorgeous cousin monica :) she looked so pretty that night! just that night :) hahah jk love you nini.. but forreal like WOW.. haha then we all sat down.. ate.. then they showed the slideshow.. SOO embarassing.. so many pictures of me in there too with my bowlcut :( hahahaha then after that kuya mike performed with his group.. dwayne steven darwin and kuya mark.. it was cute :) haha then after that we did our court dance.. then the dj had to stall and his games were sooo funny.. hahah he gave out gift cards to people that got the questions right about nini.. and i wrote them and i helped everyone :) hahah jk! i told kuya mike the wrong answer!! hahahahh.. sorry.. lol but i got one :) but i gave it to kuya mike cause i felt bad.. haha then after that it was the 18 roses i think and the guys danced with nini.. then kuya jonathan and kuya jun sang somewhere over the rainbow.. and i'm yours.. SOO effing goood! like forreal.. when i sang lucky with my brother it made us look bad.. hahah but yeah i dont remember exactly what we did at the debut but it was HELLA fun.. line dancing.. games.. all that good stuff.. like forreal it was the best.. the after party, dance thing was funn too! :) hahah that awkward big circle no one would dance in except peter, joseph and other people.. haha me and ella tried pushing chanel in.. haha soo funny.. then 3 of us ran in and chanel and i got down on ella :) hahaha well i got down with alot of people actually.. then i sat next to joseph cause i was tired then i went outside the room cause it was HOT.. and he followed me.. and we walked around the hotel.. and yeahh :D you know.. mmm... hahahahah yeahh then we got back to the door and right when we got there they were dancing to "so sexy" and pointing at us.. and it was awkward but we just joined them hahah i love that song! and dance.. its so funn.. then we all hung out for a little after the dancing.. then we went up to our room.. like the whole court and hashir and joseph went into our room.. and we just hung out in there.. lol laying on the pull out couch with joseph :) hahah OH and ella and chanel... haha but yeah.. took pictures :D hahah it was so funny.. then kim turned off the lights and... stuff happend :) hahah jk.. not really.. but yeahh then chanel had to go home so i walked her out.. then i went back up but no one was there so iw ent to the guys' room/aunts room and they were there.. then i heard some news about something from erica so i called her.. and ryan, nick and joseph were leaving so they went into the elevator except joseph cause i guess he was waiting for me.. so i got off the phone.. and we went to go look for them but couldnt find them so we walked around the hotel again and yyouu knoww :) hahah then i walked him to the parking lot and ryan and nick came thru the gate and totally walked past us and ignored my question :( and they were like dont worry you guys still have time :) hahah so joseph and i walked around again.. and went into the ice room hahah.. then ryan and nick came down again so i told him he should go.. haha then they left :( bye bye joseph :( haha then we went back to the room.. and hashir and paulina bought some mcdonalds :) thanks guys it was so yummy.. and we all talked.. nini, kim and april knocked out around 3.. and eunice, paulina and jam were talkin in the bathroom.. and me and ella were bored so i HAD to write on ninis face to be unbored.. so me and ella did that to them the rest of the night and the girls in the bathroom joined us it was hilarious.. hahaha then jam started dozing off.. and we whispered "edward" in her ear and it was funny what her reaction was.. and we did that to eunice too with spongebob :) hahahah then we ended up falling asleep at 5.. and woke up at 10.. and went to mcdonalds.. and ella came over and so did nini and we invited dean over then we went to wilson to play tennis and i hit the ball at him so close to his ear he tried hitting it and cut it! haha i'm sorry :( then we went to target.. then the mall the toys r us..

it was a pretty wild weekend.. i left out ALOT of the crazy wild parts.. haha like ALOT of it.. like most of it.. lol but yeahh.. that was it.. lol :D

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i knew today would suck!

So i totally woke up to a bad start.. lol i just had a feeling today was gonna be bad.. school was alright.. went sloww as usually.. 1st period just colored.. 2nd period was like SLOW 3rd.. that was chill talked to matt kim the cutie :) hahah 4th made fun of allen sales :) hahahha dont hurt your wrist reaching for that pen allen :) lol i'm JUST KIDDING! :D lol 5th i actually get what we're doing if i'm not texting 24/7 in that class or listening to my ipod! :) hahah well after that was practice.. sat out AGAIN with nana.. colored :) and then we helped the posts.. she got hit in the head.. so hilarious! 2 seconds later i got hit in the stomach.. haha NOT COOL! :( hahaha it was funny tho.. then i went to go take my written test for my permit.. FAILED! fuckK! i'm sooo mad.. hahah i was off by 1 too!! sheeeit! and it was the easiest oness! i totally like zipped through that test tho.. and didnt study.. excuses.. but hey should've payed more attention and double checked! facckk! now i have to go back and be all nervous again :( i hate it! sheeit.. then went to ninis house for dance practice.. last one!! it was the longest one of my lifee.. hahahh but it was alright.. hopefully everything turns out well tomorrow for the dance.. i'm pretty screwed for the hiphop cause i didnt really practice.. my back was killing me! omg.. my back is fucked.. rotation of my pelvis is wrong.. hyperextended leg.. and a herniated disc? the fuckk! :( i hope i dont need surgery.. what the hell is happening to my life.. i swear.. first i lost "best" friends.. family problems.. my back is killing me.. stressin with school.. BOYS are another big problem.. but its starting to fade cause i'm sick of it.. just gonna drop everything.. and clear my head somehow.. but hopefully tomorrow goes well.. its gonna be a busy day.. basketball pictures.. appointment for hair and make up.. rehersal for dance again.. thennn pictures then the DEBUT! its gonna be a kick! i'm nervous.. i have to sing.. and talk.. and dance.. ahh frickk! lol well another family get together.. my favorite :) hahah i love my family more than anything.. well.. i'm gonna go to bed got a big day ahead of me.. good night! :)

- rj

p.s. happy birthday nini :) <333

four day weekend

so fridayy.. hmm went to the football game and hung out with zeina erica and taylor with the basketball guys.. that was pretty funn :) lol after that I went home.. that was it for friday.. saturday I went to church then when I got home I went to kims for a little with nini.. then went out with brandon.. to rocketship park.. that was grea until.. yeahh anyway.. whatever. sunday.. went to the mall with chanel :) met up with jess zeina erica kyerin dylan and marcus.. and those 2 got kicked outta the mall.. lol stupiid! hahah so we split.. then met up later and kicked it outside of coffee bean.. hahah dylan and marcus caught a cab home.. hahaha that was funny.. thenn me chanel erica jess and kyerin went to pat n oscars and ate breadsticks. then chanel and I played the sugar game.. and we both had to eat 2 packs of sugar! lol then taylor picked me chanel and erica up.. and took us to his complex and we all got to drive his car :) hahah then we went and camped out at southbay port to go taping. haha and saw brandon john and sam.. thenn we went home.. and late that night I got a visit from johnn :) heheh goood stuff ;) nitty gritty! lol thenn monday stayed home basically wit sophia.. grandpa fell and I was scared as hell! but he's okay now.. then later that night vinay and pinto rolled into my house.. lol crazyy ass dayy.. hahah :) then todayy hung out with vinay for a bit.. and watched a movie with kyerin :) bomb ass weekend.. haha lets keep it this wayy :) goood night!

- rj

Monday, November 10, 2008

holy jeez..

i havent written in here for about a month! it's about time :) i've been pretty busy with school and basketball.. sooo not the business anymore.. lol i've been so tired lately.. i needa get better grades i'm slippin bad.. NOT GOOD! i hope i'm not inel.. thatd be pretty bad.. but i dont think it's that bad.. i'm just so glad season is coming so we can get it over with and i'm done! lol i'm finally quitting.. it's just no more funn.. haha anyway..

thats pretty much all thats been going on.. other than ninis debut practices on the weekends.. and hanging out with some friends.. haha her debut is in less than 20 days! i'm scared and nervous! :( well i'm sure everything will turn out great tho :) shes gonna be soo pretty! hahah well yeahh pretty much just school basketball debut practice and hanging out.. NO FUN! :( well it is but help me out... haha

so today was a pretty eventful day :) it should be the best day of my life but its not.. i killed it.. so here it goes.. woke up at 830 to get ready to meet up at ninis to go to buena park to practice for her debut.. did that for about 2-3 hours.. it was chill then we went to the mcdonalds next to knotts.. they had little trains in there but they werent working :( haha gayy! i wanna go to knotts.. i havent been there since 1st grade.. lol but 6 flags is wayy better hands down! lol anyway.. after that we went home and i got ready to go kick it with my best friend chanel shazad :) we went to the mall.. and met up with jessica, zeina, erica, kyerin :) andd dylan and marcus.. haha friggin marcus and dylan got kicked outta the mall and we got split up.. haha dylan marcus jessica and chanel.. and me zeina erica and kyerin.. lol it was alright.. then zeina had to leave :( so we met up with chanel and them.. and it was soo funny cause marcus chased down a taxi to give them a ride home.. hahaha i didn't believe he did it.. but i watched him do it.. hahah then we went to pat n oscars.. (we were at the mall from 3-8) yeah so chanel bought a dozen breadsticks.. lol and we ate it.. then chanel and i got bored so we played the sugar game.. it has to half hang off on your opponents side.. and they have to eat the sugar packet.. lol i lost twice :( first time i had the substitute sugar one and then the 2nd i had the real sugar.. DISGUSTING!! yuckk!! i had to drink some dr. pepper to wash that ishhh downn..and i dont drink soda :( thenn jessica left.. and so did kyerin :( so i told taylor to come get uss.. and we didnt know what to do.. so we went to his complex.. and he let me, chanel and erica drive around.. i'm a pretty good driver :) hahahahha siike.. lol it was funn :) thanks taylorr :) hahah thenn we went into southbay port.. and tried taping over there.. but chanel and erica kept freaking out.. so we just sat in taylors car and literally just sat there and kicked it.. for like 30 mins.. then he took us home.. and then my dream came true :) hahahah no forreall.. lol it was funn :) we were outside just messing around.. lol thenn i couldn't believe how happy i was.. lol it was scary.. so i decided to make myself sad.. lol(who the fuck does that) anyway.. i started reading old conversations and i was listening to my ipod.. sooo not a good idea.. and now i'm sad :( i forgot about the whole "dream coming true" thing.. its nothing compared to this.. lol soo emo.. lol GAYY!! but yeah..

gahhd i feel like a whore.. or slut whichever.. i talk to too many guys at the same time.. i KNOW thats wrong and yet i STILL do it.. what the hell is wrong with me.. i really dont know who i am anymore.. ive changed into a completely diffrent person.. its not even cool.. i'm gonna say how i feel.. and whoever reads this.. well.. i'm sorry if i put you all on blas