Monday, June 29, 2009


so from the past few blogs.. i've been pretty bummed about my days.. its still pretty lame but i'm getting through it with my new friends :) haha let me just say this.. i hate bitches from torrance. some you might not even know i hate them.. but oh well :) and i usually never hate anyone.. anyway.. this summer so far has been swell.. drama still catchin up to me.. which sucks.. but whatever. Monday i went to the beachh.. Tuesday i went swimming at Zeinas with her brother, sister and Erica. Wednesday.. did nothing all day! then decided to go to disneyland at 8pm.. watched fireworks show and fantasmic with sophia :) then went on splash mountain.. SCARIEST SHEEIT EVER FOR ME! i was seriously flipping out before the drop.. begging nini to switch spots with me.. haha then we went to the haunted mansion.. then we tried going to space mountain.. with 40 mins left til closing time.. but then we figured we wouldnt make it.. so we just went on star tours.. that ride still makes me wanna throw up.. haha then we ran all the way to the tea cups.. like we seriously booked it.. and we got there right on time.. so we did that.. and it was soo.. idk my brother spun that ishh FAST.. and i couldnt keep my head up.. it was crazyy.. then we got off.. and snuck on again.. and just went into a different cup when we were supposed to get off.. its crazy when someone who can spin it fast.. haaha then yeahh.. we went home.. it was fun! :) thursday.. woke up.. michael jackson died :( friday.. bonfire with some old friends which was pretty chill :) saturday churchh and hung out with vinay. and then today.. i swear it went by fast and i didnt even do anything.. i played left 4 dead for like 2 hours.. by myself! be proud.. then i went to go see transformers again for the 2nd time with my parents.. then i went to play basketball.. we didnt really play.. we walked the whole game it was funny.. haha then just shot around and did some drills.. haha i love those guys! then went to del taco.. haha oh yeahh so i'm hooked on farmville on facebook.. you kids should play it.. haha :)  anyway.. maybe i'll update this more often.. since its summer.. with nothing to do.. haha

mark! i promise we will hang out soon k? i PROMISE. dont worry.. i'll bring the good stuff ;)
ROBIN! friday! k? it'll be a great day! :)
donovan! i hope i spelt that right? haha but BLACKIE!! we're gonna watch it soon k?
and finally.. JAYYY! we better get crackin on our list.. i say Disneyland is first on our list :)

i think i've promised all of them a trip to disneyland :) haha 

well i'm out.. finally kinda tired.. haha earlier when we were "playing" i almost knocked out on the floor.. but now i'm like awake.. i should get some sleep tho.. its like i'm talking to myself.. 
well.. good night world. 

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