Sunday, August 16, 2009

summer part two?

so pretty much everything i've written in these past few blogs were pretty emo.. haha i think the only time i write in it is when i'm sad.. or frustrated or something.. and its one of those times.. haha but yeahh.. i wont lie.. summer up until now was the greatest time i've ever had with someone in my life.. yeah there were ups and downs but it was definitely worth it.. but noww.. i can say it's all gone.. and i have nothing left.. i'm slowly losing my mind.. but i guess you can say its for the best.. i'm just so frustrated with myself.. i ruined something perfect for me.. but i'm just gonna move on.. i got my license :D so i drive now.. with no car.. :( but SOON! i get my mommy's car.. haha so text me if you wanna hang out :) the past few days have been the hardest.. like in my life.. so far.. it sucks :( but tonight it got better.. i got to hang out with the guys.. kyle.. and mike ;) hahaha :D just kidding.. but kyle got drunk :( but he was funny.. lol i just got home.. and i'm already sad again.. watching a cinderella story.. haha brings back memories.. anyway i'm probably not making any sense.. and its like i'm just talking to myself.. but yeahh. never listen to me when i say i'll write often.. cause i never do.. haha :P anyway text me if you wanna hang out or anything i'm available.. now.. haha 

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