Sunday, May 3, 2009

its may!

so.. like i said march sucked.. and so did april. haha those were probably the worst two months of my life.. or year.. haha but now its may, hopefully things will turn around.. lol today was a complete waste of a day.. didnt do squat! but whatevers.. lol i never do anything anymore cause i'm a loser :( yesterday was chill tho.. pacquiao killed it last night! haha 2nd round k.o. RIDICULOUS haha and before that i went to go see my friend kevin at his track meet at Mt. SAC.. haha it was pretty funn watching it.. i mean that was the first track meet i ever went to.. and probably the last.. hahah jk jk! :) but seriously we were there FOREVER! but its okayy i had my boys there :) lol too bad they didnt come and watch the fight with us tho :( haha AND i'm not going to GVC tonight to see and play basketball with them :( sooo lame.. i feel soo useless todayy.. haha my birthday is cominn upp! if you wanna come to my little party just hit me up :) haha anywayy i'm out.. gonna figure out what i should do.. haha text it.

- rj 

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