Friday, December 26, 2008


So Christmas Eve.. i woke up at 3 that day.. 3 pm because the night before i took some "pills" around 2am and it kept me knocked out till 3pm.. so i took my shower and got ready.. took me about an hour and a half because i was having a bad hair day :( Then kuya les came and picked me up around 4:45 - 5 and so we left and went our way to diamond bar. It was hella traffic.. took us longer than usual to get there but we got there around 6:20 not too bad.. Everyone was there, the Maines Family of course, my family, and the canlas family.. we got there before the barnums, rocillos, and calixto family.. but they eventually got there.. so we all ate, hung out, watched wall-e and SANTA SHOWED UP! :) he came to our house and gave all the cousins and of course little sophia a gift :) hahah :D and then at 1145 we played twas the night before christmas. Then by then it was 12 and it was time to distribute the gifts :D that took like 20 mins then the last box was for me.. and i was told to open that infront of everyone.. it was a white box.. and i opened it.. there was alot of newspaper and magazine scraps.. and i had to take out like 12 handfulls of it before i got to the item! oh i had to break through styrofoam.. is that how thats spelt? lol anyway.. so the rectangular shaped thing was wrapped in layers and layers and thousands of layers of newspaper.. and finally i got to it! it was a MACBOOK! WOOO! i was soo excited! thanks mom, dad and kuya! :) i love you guys :) so after i opened that.. sophia had a BIG gift too! from kuya mike and his friends.. it was a huge cut out of WALL-E! like those theatre ones! its so SICK!! i want it.. lol then once everyone got gifts we all opened them.. i got a 2 purses, a jacket, a shirt, a pillow, a dress and an ipod dock! yess.. then after that.. we just hung out for alittle then watched some filipino show.. and then we were gonna play cranium but we didnt have enought people so me, nini, kuya luke, my brother and kuya mike played whoonu! its soo funn.. lol and that lasted till about 3? then me nini and my brother wanted to stay up so we played pictionary.. but you had to draw it with your eyes closed.. hahaha that was soo funny.. then we got bored so we played MASH. let me tell you.. NOT a good life for me and nini.. hahaha my brother got a good one.. then we played the "or" game.. basically "dog or cat" but more INTENSE things.. which was funny that lasted till like 530 and we just knocked out.. then we had to get up at 830 to head over to anahiem for the cousins secret santa..i helped cook a big breakfast for all of us.. pancakes, eggs, turkey bacon, rice, and all that good stuff.. lol Melanie had me! she got me the fluffiest pillow in the world! some rainbow slippers! a necklace and a shirt! thank you :) and i had kuya luke.. i gave him a flannel, 2 black v necks and a sweater.. haha then after that.. we watched WANTED and i fell asleep half way through cause i only got 3 hours of sleep! then we went back to diamond bar.. and we watched the laker game!! WOO! GO LAKERS! ariza is soo good.. but kobe is better :D lol Lakers killed it tonight :) then i fell asleep after the game then we headed home.. and now i'm on my macbook cause its so uberly cool :) i love it.. lol thanks vinay for keeping me company last night by talking to me.. haha and being totally jealous about my gifts ;) haha and thanks for the surprise build a bear :) its cute! haha anyway.. i'm gonna get some sleep. got shoot around practice in the morning then game at 130. wish us luck!
good night ! merry christmas and happy holidays. wish you all the best :D

with love,

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