Tuesday, February 17, 2009

its been a while.

so a lot has been happening in the past two months or so.. a lot of ups and downs.. i mean ALOT.. but whatever i'm getting through it and i'm actually doing really good. hmm what went down lately.. mmm well i'll just talk about my weekend :p soo friday.. winter formal :) haha that was funn :) my date was kyerin cubos :) haha we all went to lazy dog before the dance.. andrew tani, dylan and their dates..  that was pretty chill. the dance itself was alright.. haha it was funn hanging out kyerin tho :) and marcus, faith, kaela and courtney. haha it was funnny.. but yeah Saturday.. was Valentines day! didnt do anything with anyone.. haha but its okay cause i spent time with my family that day. It wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. We had korean bbq.. soo good! but i get full easily.. haha so yeahh.. Sunday i went to watch "Hes just not that into you" with vinay :) that was pretty funn, but i went home after and just watched the all-star game. you cant stop KOBE MVP or Shaq.. haha so after that.. i went with my brother to his church GVC? idk what its called but its in Gardena.. i LOVE the people there.. honestly.. if i could i would go to that church.. being SDA doesnt really mean anything to me anymore, honestly.. its not that i dont believe in it its just its not teaching me.. i dont know its hard to explain.. thats a different story.. but yeah i played a little basketball with them.. haha and then listened to my brothers band practice for their performance on the 27th! you guys should go come out and see them! :) it'll be greeat! :) i'm super stoked for it! haha then after that i stayed and watched them play "BANG!" its a pretty cool game :) but yeahh.. we stayed there til like 330 am.. totally got introuble when we got home but its all good.. i enjoyed it.. i had fun :) then Monday.. my mom tried waking me up to go eat somewhere in cerritos but i ignored her.. saying i didnt wanna go so she tried to scare me by putting on a scary show while i was asleep but i just got up and turned it off.. but yeahh.. my brothers friends came over.. Kyle and Andrew.. haha they're cool :) Kyle is a freakin baller, plays guitar, sings AND loves God! :) what are the odds of that one ;) hahahaha just kidding :P but yeahh.. uhm.. all and all it was a pretty swell weekend.. hopefully this week doesnt go by slowly.. even tho we only have 4 days.. it still goes by slow! sheeeit! lol well yeahh i'm tired i think i'm gonna take a nap. OH YEAH ! we made it to CIF so support us on Thursday @ home 730. hopefully we do well..  well yeahh i'm pretty much done with basketball.. or for rick.. but yeahh i'm done.

- rj

ps. support my brothers band "Good Night Friday" playing at the awakenings cafe 730. Feb. 27th
anndd.. first CIF game at Torrance on thursday 730 :)