Friday, January 16, 2009

first blog of the year.

its been a long while since i've last written in here. the new year so far has been.. pretty interesting. actually.. very interesting.. i'm pretty bummed that i'm basically out for the season.. and its my last year playing.. and i'm freakin injured.. thats retarded.. i just want to friggin play!! ahh! plus if i do go all out.. and practice and all that.. he'll still probably hand me his palm thing.. fucking retarded.. whatever. i'm over it.. i'll just play basketball at the park. anyway.. other than basketball.. schools been alright. i've been getting my grades up.. no more D's.. haha and 1 C! yess improvement.. lol the worst of all... boys.. i've got 3 great guys on my tail.. and i needa decide quick.. or else.. i'm screwed.. haha jk but forreal.. all of this is becoming stressful.. i've been trying to stand strong.. but i'm weak.. i'm too weak for anything.. nothings just working out for me.. what a great way to start of the year right.. pfft..